Wednesday, February 11, 2009

She Has A Blog

Bill Morrison collection, courtesy of The Shubert Archive.

Well, I have always liked Jane Fonda and I found out the other day (somewhere online) that she has started blogging. It's right here and it's good, really. She shares her thoughts about her life and her art. She just opened 33Variations on Broadway in the Eugene O'Neil theater (I've been there!) and openly shares her feelings about returning to Broadway after 30+ years. I find it fascinating. Just sayin.

Check it out.


Lynn Cross said...

Hey Candy,
I did ck. out Jane's blog. It is interesting. I just can't get over her political views and how she treated our troops in Vietnam, which I am old enough to remember. And her adamant views on abortion. Other than that, she is a beautiful woman, and is very interesting. Love, Lynn

CandaceMakesStuff said...

Lynn, I know. I debated about the post. But I really do like her blog and enjoy her talent. And, I hope anyone reading my blog can tell that I wouldn't endorse her social / political views...

Thanks for commenting. I care what you think! Miss you, Candy

Stay at Home Gourmet said...

Hey - I looked too, but felt guilty the whole time. My Dad never forgave her for the whole Vietnam thing either.

She is very talented. I'd love to see the show.


Anonymous said...

Well for goodness sake's pray for little Jane, I remember a few years ago just before her divorce she publicly accepted Christ after many conversations and witnessing with her limo driver, not sure how true it is, but I remember old Ted Turner saying that wasn't the reason they divorced???? Anyway, pray for her if you have issues with her, we can't be stuck in the past for any length of time, it causes more harm to us then the person we judge as Christians.
Jesus reigns,

dazed in beautiful naples.