Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ecce agnus Dei, originally uploaded by Nick in exsilio.

Lamb of God Born To Us
I attended the Christmas Cantata, AGNUS DEI, at my church tonight. Following is an excerpt from the front of the program.

Agnus Dei comes from two Latin words: agnus, meaning 'lamb' and dei, 'of God'. The traditional litany said or sung during Communion is:

Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world-
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world-
grant us peace.

It is based on John 1:29, John the Baptist's salutation, "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

In the history of God and man, two themes are juxtaposed: Man's sinfulness and God's triumph over it. The songbook of God's people is a liturgy of counterpoint: We fail, the future looks hopeless, but the Lord God Almighty reigns.

Nowhere have the two themes intersected more poignantly than at the moment the Lamb of God came into the world. Nowhere has there ever been sung a more glorious song than this: "Today is born for you, a Savior."
The music was beautiful. I was reminded of the greatness of God's love for me. It was a much needed moment of peace in the frenzy of activity that comes with Christmas and gave a lift to my spirit which tends to sink a bit during the Holidays.