- I had an art party last weekend with a few of my friends. It was a sleepover. We had fun hanging out and chatting while playing with art stuff. Here's the table after everyone went home. Now, doesn't that look like fun. I felt like a ten year old girl coloring with her friends. We plan to make this a regular event. We all need it!

- See the brie box that I turned into a button box. I got the graphic off someone's blog. They were giving away printable images. I sure wish I could remember who.
- Recently, following the lead of my friend B, I joined A.R.T., which is a yahoo group of artists. It seems to be a cool community. I signed up for a workshop based on a book by Carla Sonheim, Drawing Lab. Well, I have issues finishing things so I quickly fell behind the group and just gave up. I regret that quality in me and am working on it. Even though I dropped out, I highly recommend this book, especially if you think you can't draw. I still want to go through it. *sigh* These were exercises from unit 1. Fun.
- However, when I ordered Drawing Lab, I also ordered another book, Totally Tangled. This is partly to blame for my neglect of my drawing labs. I love to doodle and that's just what tangles are. Here's one of mine, copied out of the book. I am signed up for another workshop based on this book. Maybe I will stick with this one since I have a head start!
- And then there is the Pam Carriker journaling class, Shades of Grey, that I signed up for. There are only three videos and I have watched one and a half - there's the finishing issue again. I must go back and finish because she decided to retire the class right after I signed up. Now she's given plenty of notice for any normal person to complete the lessons. But me, not so much.
- I did get inspired to make a journal page this week. It is not yet finished. I must add some text but I must wait for inspiration (uh, the finishing issue). Oh well, here it is in its current state.
- And finally, here's my cute companion asleep on the other end of the couch.
Nitey Nite, Kids!