I am joining B in the Photo Hunt Challenge for October. I will follow through. I will follow through. I will. There.
My first entry is up there. It is "Something Orange" In the physical world, it is terra cotta, but it sure looks orange to me here. I used Paint Shop Pro to crop all three.

I think this one will be my entry for "Contrast". Maybe. I do like dappled shadows but I might come up with something else.
Hey, I could've had "Something Spooky" and "Something Entertaining" in one shot today. I gave the dog (the big one that B is entering for "Critter") a bath. In the shower. With me. Hey, it is the easiest method I've tried that I can afford. You understand that there are no pictures though. And just let me say this critter smells much better! Can you tell that I trimme
She's adorable. Is she house trained? Heaven help me... I'm thinking about it. Oh, Darrell will kill me!
Fantabulous photo! And I love the one of Charlie, too!
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