...and loving it! I have been in the house for two days because of the winter storm that passed by here. All my work and church services have been cancelled. Thankfully, we didn't get the ice accumulation that was expected so we didn't lose power. I have spent my time watching Hallmark movies, knitting, napping and finally, today, got into a little artwork. The fruits of my 'leisure'...
Coco Vee Cape
Last weekend I had the p

rivilege of attending knitting workshops with
Jane Slicer Smith. She is a designer from Australia. I thoroughly enjoyed 2-1/2 days of listening and learning. The workshops were related to her new book,
Swing Swagger Drape. I bought a kit from her last year and have been too intimidated to start knitting. Now I feel fortified with knowledge and technique so the imtimidation factor is way down. I am knitting this cape to practice the mitered squares techniques that she taught in the workshop. I want to be consistent when I start my jacket. The technique is fun so I am enjoying the process.

This is a baby blanket that I am knitting for an expectant friend. The baby is coming in the spring so I am knitting the blankie in cotton. This is an ea

sy and pretty mindless project.
This is the portrait that I showing in my previous post. I added some collage element to her and am considering putting a little 'tight and buff' on her to add some subtlety to the face. I like this girl and have to leave her alone a lot because I tend to overwork things and I don't want to mess her up.
Now it's time to venture out with a friend in search of food.