Ahhhh. I opened all my windows today. Spring is right around the corner and I am looking forward to it. However, I dread losing an hour of sleep tonight. I think I will go set my clocks ahead right now. Maybe it won't be such a shock to my system if I start now!
Those glass birds...I remember getting my mom some of those when I was a little girl growing up in England. Your picture brought back many memories.
I'm in a daze after losing the hour yesterday morning. I ordered the "relationship principles of Jesus" through your blog just now. Can't wait to read it! thank you.
Denise, You're the best! Hey we can go through it together since I am only on day 2. I need some accountability....
Absolutely I will go through the book with you!
Praise God for sisters in Christ!
I have one of those blue birds too. Lovely memory. Enjoy the weather. Lynn
Hi Candy,
Just read the first 3 chapters of the Relationship Principles of Jesus book. Great stuff! I knew I would be convicted somehow. With all the moving Bill and I have done, relationships have suffered. I hope our friendship with you lasts til the trump! Im challenged to invite a young mother and her daughter over to do some jewelry. I mean, look what happened to Robbie! I'll never forget the first time I sat with her and showed her a few things to do with beads, she just took off like a bird with it.
Have a peaceful evening with the Lord. Talk to him out loud about everything on your heart, I plan to do more and more of it as a result of reading the beginning of this book. Thank you!
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